
TR-900Your current location:Home > TR-900
TR-900T NIBP/SPO2 Monitor
Release time:2015-07-10 Author:admin Source:




Technical specification
•Professional for the operating room and ICU / CCU care and other occasions.
•7 inch color TFT LCD display with high resolution.
•For Adult, pediatrics and neonates.
•Manual, Auto and continuation, three kinds of NIBP measuring modes.
•Review two waveforms of CO2/SPO2.  Totally review 44 sets of CO2 and 80
screens of  SPO2.
•"Big eyes" warning light
•Built-in storage battery .
The mainstream  and sidestream  of ETCO2 can be used interchangeably.
•ISO 9001:2000, ISO 13485:2003 certificate.

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