
TR-2000Your current location:Home > TR-2000
TR-2000 Mother/Fetus Monitor
Release time:2015-07-10 Author:admin Source:



Technical specification
FHR      Method: Ultrasound Doppler
              Measuring Range: 60-200bpm
              Precision: ≤±2bpm
              Ultrasound Frequency: 2.5 Mhz
              Ultrasound output: 5mW/cm2:
              Alarm Indication range: upper limit:66-200bpm
                                                            Lower limit: 65-199bpm
TOCO   Method: Outside Measurement
              Measuring Range: 0-100 unit
              Non-linearity Precision: ≤±10%
SPO2    SPO2 measuring range:0-100% Resolution:1%
              Range of pulse rate:20-250 bpm

NIBP     Method: Intelligent Oscillation
              Cuff inflating time: <30s
               (standard adult cuff : 0-250 mmHg)
               Deflating time: average<90sec
               Deflating time when measurement stops:<2sec
               (standard adult cuff 250-150mmmHg)
                Maximum Allowed Inflating Pressure: 300mmHg
               (40Kpa, if over this value, safety valve
         deflating automatically)
         Alarm indication range of FHR, TOCO, HR, NIBP
     SPO2 are settable. Sound and light alarm are available.

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